If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

57. New friend and new hair cut decision

I have made a new friend through the UK Hodgkin's Lymphoma Club on Facebook!
Nicola - she's so friendly and chatty and has been online tonight being very open and honest about some of her initial experiences. She has offered to answer any questions or help with any worries I may have through the course of my treatment. This is very comforting to me. It turns out Nicola was treated at BRI too, the same doctor as me and same ward for treatment too! I think I was meant to meet her somehow. On the day I was diagnosed, my doctor and my macmillan nurse had mentioned someone called Nicola who they thought I could chat to about experiences, saying she was a similar age. They said she had gone on to have a baby recently. This has to be the same Nicola as all those things fit. How cool is that?! Looking forward to chatting to her again soon.

I have made a decision about my hair too.
Despite the fact I haven't started to lose any yet, I am going to have quite a lot cut off. Making it a lot shorter and layered. I have text my hairdresser Fee tonight and she has offered to come to the house to do it for me. We chatted before and she mentioned how if it does start to come out, the less length of hair there is, the less of a shock it will be.
Fee had a client last year who also had HL and she cut her hair short for her to make it less of a shock. This lady's hair did thin out, but now, she's clear and has a full head of thicker, curlier hair. 
So, shorter, less of a shock. Another reason I would like it cutting is to make it easier to look after for the meantime! I am not up to constantly washing, drying it, straightening it. If I don't want to straighten it, its like a big bush! And is messy. All I am doing at the moment is scraping it back into a bobble. It doesn't make me feel very good about myself. If it is cut shorter it means I can straighten it when i feel up to it and make it look nice. There'll be less of it.
Whether my hair will thin or fall out completely I don't know. But I have to live for now and do something to make myself feel good. If I go in stages with it, it will help lessen the shock hopefully....


Angie said...

I agree and i think short will suit you, and if your hair is more fragile then heat treatment will make it worse! Lets face it Liz you have a lovely face and smile and you cant lose those!!!! Go for it and show a pic on FB. However I want to see it in person as soon as you are up to it.

Liz said...

Thank you Angie!!! You have made me feel lovely by saying that!xxx See you in person very soon xxx