If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

45. Thank you

Thank you to all of you who are getting in touch after reading my blog. Just about each time I log on I am greeted with support, advice, ideas, well wishes, feedback about the blog and much more.

I want you to know that your actions really make a difference to my day, my coping and my wellbeing.

A small ''hello/thinking of you/what you up to/I'd like to come see you'' in my inbox is a click away, but it reminds me who I am and that I am still Liz even though I have this illness.

I have felt well enough to go up to the shops tonight to buy some new note paper and pens. I'm going to write those letters I was talking about the other day. Going to put some Jon Hopkins on my i-tunes and relax...

...here comes Zig nuzzling up for a cuddle. He won't be happy now I have to move him to get my stationery! Night night everyone xx

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