If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Friday 15 April 2011

33. Sexy Sea-Bands and my water drinking mission!

Morning all!
Had a decent night's sleep all in all. Woke up once doing that gasping for air thing again. Weird! 
But didn't have any sickness that I worried I might. Still had my blue lucy bucket by the bed though. (lucy is good make of bucket..(!!!) lol

I keep using the breathing techniques that I learnt from the hypnosis session at the Cancer Support Centre. They really help. Simply focusing on each breath in and out and thinking of nothing else helps to become relaxed and before I know it I'm asleep. I use a lot of olbas oil and also aromatherapy oils that Rebecca brought for me. They really help to soothe and keep calm. Rescue remedy spray and drops help but as yet I've not needed to use them.

I have had to make a tablet timetable - check it out....


I have had to write this all down, no way I'd remember this lot!

Today I am going to try and drink plenty of water. Zoe and I at work always say this and start really well with it then it sort of fizzles out esp in the winter months when it's cold! haha.. But we have good intentions!

Helen my nurse said that drinking water is good for after the Chemo as it flushes out the body and helps with everything. Also I have just been up to the chemist and bought some Sea- Bands... 

' The Sea-Band has been clinically tested against nausea and vomiting in travel, anaesthesia, pregnancy and chemotherapy.'

Thought they would be worth a try just to keep off any nasty tummy ickiness.

I feel a bit sweat band ish and Rocky-ish in them!

Had to link this once I'd typed this. I love this song!!!
Regularly drive along to it- have it on dead loud.

Plus Leeds Utd used to come out to the intro of this at Elland Road - another reason why I love it.
Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Grew up going to lots of matches in the 90's.. thanks to my ace Dad. Lots of good memories. Like when I met Phil Masinga with his squeaky voice. Ok might be losing some of you there.. lol.

Aw, back in the day. Champions 1991-1992.

The legend that is Chris Kamara in there.
Ha ha , 'I don't know Jeff, has there?' love that vid on youtube

This is slightly earlier but I love the passion in this photo..love a bit of Vinnie!

Righty ho.. better go take those 4 horse tablets... speak soon! xx

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