If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Sunday 17 April 2011

37. Sunday, sun, FOOD- um um!

What an absolutely GORGEOUS day..! How beautiful! Thank you for this sun. Keeps me smiling.

Had a good night's sleep last night, no sickness.
Have woken up with a sore mouth, wondered how long it would take to start with it. I feel like a symptom ticking time bomb!

My tongue feels like it's got pin pricks all over it. Whenever I eat of drink it stings like mad too. Using the mouth wash that I was sent home with but it doesn't last all that long.

My skin on my face looks different again today, almost thicker and tighter? Hard to explain. Just not my usual face feeling.

I am hungry a lot too - most of you who know me well will know I like my food. (Very passionate about it!)
But I think this is the steriods that are causing extra hunger. So am trying to snack on fruit and dry crackers to kill the hunger pains. Eating little and often is what the advice says.
Drinking water is helping lots too as it fills me up.

Still wearing my sea-bands for anti sickness. They really seem to help. Despite the fact I feel I might leave permanent grooves in my wrists from them, but hey, if it works! :D

Off to have a rest now. Been planting out my sunflowers. By the time they flower in August/Sept I will be over halfway through my Chemo...

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