If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

18. Hypnosis experience

Had a lovely day today - Angi came over to see me and brought a lovely big candle which I have on the go as I type. Smells yummy. Thanks hun!
Angi had her Nintendo DS XL with her by chance, which I had a look at. I loved it and think I will choose one of those.  If anyone could recommend any games to me please message me!

In the afternoon I had my first Hypnotherapy appointment. As part of my therapies from Cancer Support - I have chosen Hypnotherapy first. I want to be able to relax and free my mind - especially when I have to have needles and go to hospital. I am entitled to 6 sessions but if I wish to change to something else I can do so, I just have to let them know. They work around me and how I feel. I can go when I feel up to it.

The experience itself was really good, I was impressed. I relaxed straight away. The hypnotherapist talked me through relaxing my body and when he had counted down from 10 he asked me to focus on my breathing and the sound of his voice, not to analyse the words but simply to listen. As my eyes were closed I could see swirling dark circles in the blackness. It felt like I was sinking and going in and out of being concious. I felt completely safe and at ease. I don't remember much of what he said, which he explained is fine. The words go to the sub concious and put up sign posts to help guide you in your thoughts.
The session was an hour long and I was laid down relaxing for about 40 mins. I heard him count up to 10 and on 8 I was asked to open my eyes. I felt like I had woken up from the deepest most relaxing sleep. 
I would recommend it as something to try once in your life for sure.. I enjoyed it. Going back for more next week.

I went back to the doctor today about my scar. Did I mention I was put on anti biotics? I had them because where my scar is, there is another lump in it's place. It was painful last week but seems to be hurting less now. My doctor thinks it is another gland that has popped down in place of the one that was taken, unless the surgeon only took a bit of the lump/node in the biopsy. All a bit confusing I know, because I was told the whole node was taken out with 2 small ones next to it.
If it is another node or same one, i'm not sure they will do much because I start Chemo on April 14th.

I am exhausted tonight, even though it has been a fab day, I feel so tired! My eyes are shutting.....x

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