If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Saturday 16 April 2011

36. Worst day so far, but better evening

All day I have felt shocking! Nausea, crossed with extreme tiredness, funny taste in my mouth, skin feels all tight and weird. Then as soon as I do have a burst of energy it just fizzles into nothing again.

I take an anti sickness tablet one in the morning and then one in the afternoon/evening. 
The morning one didn't seem to have much of an effect. But after a whole day of jigging my body to make the pain go, trying to snooze in the garden and doing my best to drink water without feeling even more sick... the anti sickness tablet was my last hope. And it helped, so much. I was able to eat a really nice tea with Anthony, Mum and Dad and then enjoy an ice cream, so unexpected after so long all day feeling like crap.

I have been hot and cold on and off this evening. The nurses mentioned to me to monitor my temperature and if it goes above 38 I need to call the ward. Nothing like that at the moment so all's good.
It's really just a matter of taking each day at a time. Which I am learning to do - slooooowwly..

Anthony's just nipped out for a drink or two to James'. He'd text to say thank you for building their rabbit a new run and asked him over. I think Anthony was a bit apprehensive to leave me, but the tablet has helped me this evening, so I said if I needed him I could call him. James and Laura's house really isn't that far from us so he could get to me if he needed to in a hurry. I think even though it's early days with the treatment and we're getting to grips with what the next 6 - 8 months are going to be like, I want Anthony to feel like he can still do things and not feel like he is stuck to my side. He is amazing at taking care of me. So much patience I don't know where he finds it sometimes. xxx

No plans again tomoz, so just gonna see how my energy levels and nausea are like. I will be happy with another snoozy day in the garden and maybe if I can put some more seeds out to grow :)

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