If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Monday 23 May 2011

99. We're a right pair!

Well I have had a very lazy day resting. Didn't sleep very well again last night and the combo of the big meal and the tablets I am on, upset my tummy a bit and left me feeling rather full and needing to go, but not able to. Sorry, details..! I'm glad to say that I have plenty of other medication to help me out in that departamente! And it has since helped. So am feeling less full. ( Think I just managed to explain myself without too much detail, did I not? hehee..)

Anthony came home from work, looking really under the weather. He's aching all over and just looks so washed out. He's gone straight to bed :( I don't like it. I'm stuck in all day and all I want to do is see him and catch up, but he's really not well. Boo, rubbish :( Hopefully it won't last. I'll run him a big bath later... x

Thought I'd hop on here anyway and chat.
This morning, I watched Long Lost Family that I recorded off ITV1 the other day. I know my gorge friend Aud watches it and I fancied a peek. Oh.... *sobs* it was good for a good cry. And I did!
Later I watched 'Inside I'm dancing'. A film about two young men who have disabilities and want independence.
I remember when it first came out a while ago and thought I'd like to watch it. I'd forgotten that James McAvoy was in it. I love him, think he's so good. (I loved 'Last King of Scotland')
It was a really good film and enjoyed it lots, really clever how it tackled disability and relationships. Great acting.

 The Zig kept coming in and out of the rain and wanted cuddles and attention! He very rarely sits on my knee, I'm too fidgetty. But he was all cuddly today. Think he's gone to inspect the bed upstairs now. 'Who is on it.'

I've got Coldplay on, Viva la Vida. Love this album.

Been listening to The Weepies again. They sound sad don't they. But it's a very relaxing, cozy album, honest.

Over the last week I have got some very honest and supportive messages about my blog and my news / journey of HL. Some from old friends from school - two particular messages from Mariana and Jill. They both mean so much. Thank you both, lots and lots.. xxx

Isn't it wierd how you lose touch with people from school and then in a message it's like they can be right there and chatting like time has never passed.

 Makes me think about the people you meet as you go along the way and sometimes those ones that you don't see anymore. Life and friendships can be so complicated. 
But then life goes on and you meet new people for new chapters of your life. Everything happens for a reason.

I just looked - I have nearly got 100 entries on my blog now. If you have been reading all this time, thank you so much. Listening to me prattling on! haha..I am honestly grateful.

My moods are quite up and down at the moment. I go through phases of strength and appreciation. Then to confused and lost. But ... I always seem to bring it back round somehow, somewhere.  (I might need reminding of that.. someone?!)

Seeing Millie at the weekend helped me a lot. I loved it. Millie is Anthony's sister's daughter. Our niece and god-daughter.. She is 2, going on 4, or 22, as her Daddy, Mark, would say. She is amazing and so very clever.

Katy said they pulled up outside our house in the car and Millie was like, 'ooh look it's Auntie Lizzie in the window'. It was actually Anthony, bless! But ya know, short hair...!

Millie came into the living room and I crouched down to hug her. She put her little hands on my head and stroked my head. 'All your hair is all gone Auntie Lizzie. Aw. *stroke, stroke*' I smiled. (How innocent and beautiful.)

'It has my love, but it will grow back won't it darling'. I said.
'Yes, it will all grow back Auntie Lizzie..' She said in a- it - doesn't - matter tone of voice.

How gorgeous??

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