If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Friday 20 May 2011

93. Chemo 3 done and dusted

Yesterday I had my 3rd chemo. So far it was the least painful of sessions. It felt like I was there slightly longer, but I didn't seem to mind that much.
I found out I will potentially have 12 sessions in total. Which takes me to September.
I will be scanned after my 4th chemo, to see how the lymph nodes have responded and this should determine what will happen from there.
I am feeling the best I have felt after a chemo session.
Got home last night and was able to eat a full meal, no sickness feelings. Just sleepy, but I had been feeling that way all morning, since I woke up.
I drank plenty of water and dozed a little.

The steroids are making me hungry and through the night I kept waking up every hour at half past the hour. It was so irritating. I got up at 7ish and had some tinned fruit for breakfast with my tablets. Went back to bed with a coffee for a bit, then had a toasted tea cake. I've not snacked a lot today like I normally do. Had a prawn cocktail salad for lunch.

I have experienced pins and needles in my hands and lower arms, a new side effect which I haven't experienced as yet. That was last night, but so far today I haven't had it, otherwise I was going to call the ward for advice. My temperature is about 35 - 36 deg C, so that's ok.

I am using some lovely Moroccan oil on my short hair. Becky gave me it when I was first diagnosed. It's fab and smells a bit like Jean Paul Gaultier. One of my favourite perfumes. The one in the female body shaped bottle.
The oil is lovely and makes my scalp and hair feel soft.

I have been making more paper stars and hearts - I made some as I sat having chemo yesterday. Then I just dozed through the rest.

I am going have a snooze this afternoon I hope. I was talking to Nicky on facebook last night and she said that when she was having chemo, sleep and water were the best things.
It's so helpful to chat to Nicky and my other new friends on facebook. Makes me feel that I am not alone in experiencing this.

I am really enjoying listening to a new album that I have downloaded by The Weepies - I downloaded it after I fell in love with 'Thought of You' animation.
It's one of those albums you can relax and listen to. The first afternoon I listened to it, it was warm outside and doing that long, hard rain. The type that sounds so beautiful. I had the living room windows open and there was a stunning blackbird singing away. Perfect afternoon. Thanks to Mike Allinson again for recommending :)

I have lots of art ideas and things I want to make. I have started a canvas of a sunflower, simply sketched out the ideas for it. I also want to experiment with felt shapes on canvas, mixed with cartoon drawings. My energy isn't quite there just yet, but my ideas are and i've written them all down.

Well, fingers crossed this good feeling lasts! I'm impressed so far! xxx

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