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Wednesday 25 May 2011

101. G-CSF injection Info

Here is some info on the GCSF injection I had last week.
I have been to the hospital today to get checked and it seems that I don't have flu, but have got the side effects to the injection. 
Now I am in a position where I don't know whether I will be having the injections or not, simply because it's caused me so much pain.
Aching, out of breath, fast heart beat, unable to sleep due to pain.
I was prescribed some pain relief which unfortunately hasn't helped. I am left waiting for the pain to stop.........



G-CSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) Back to top

G-CSF is a special type of protein called a growth factor. It stimulates the bone marrow| to make white blood cells. The bone marrow is a spongy material inside the bones where all our blood cells are made.
Growth factors are made naturally in the body. They can also be made outside the body and used as treatments.
There are three different types of G-CSF:
  • lenograstim (Granocyte®)
  • filgrastim (Neupogen®, Nivestim®, Ratiograstim®, Zarzio®)
  • pegylated filgrastim (Neulasta®).
These treaments all work in similar ways.

When G-CSF is used Back to top

G-CSF may be used during treatment with chemotherapy| to shorten the length of time that your white blood cell numbers are low.
One of the main side effects of chemotherapy is a reduction in the number of white cells in the blood. White cells help us to fight infections. So during the time your white cells are low you are less able to fight infection|. And, if you develop an infection, it may make you more ill than it normally would.
White cell numbers are usually back to normal by the time the next dose of chemotherapy is due. But, sometimes, if the levels of white cells are still low, the chemotherapy has to be postponed, or the dose lowered.
G-CSF may be used to reduce the risk of infection and help to make sure chemotherapy treatments are given on time and at the planned dose. It isn't needed with all types of chemotherapy as white blood cell numbers usually recover on their own.

Stem cell collection

G-CSF may sometimes be used before high-dose chemotherapy to stimulate the bone marrow to make more stem cells. Stem cells are a special type of blood cell from which all other blood cells are made. The stem cells are collected from the blood and stored. They can then be given back to you after high-dose chemotherapy treatment and make new blood cells to replace those you have lost.

What it looks like Back to top

G-CSF comes as a white powder to be dissolved in sterile water, or as a colourless fluid in a small glass bottle. It is also available in a ready-to-use pre-filled syringe.

How G-CSF is given Back to top

G-CSF is usually given as an injection under the skin (subcutaneously). You, or people caring for you, can be taught how to inject G-CSF so that you can continue the treatment at home. Alternatively, the injections may be given by a district nurse or GP practice nurse.
The levels of white cells in your blood will be tested regularly while you are having growth factor injections.

How often it is given Back to top

G-CSF is usually started a few days after chemotherapy, and is given daily for up to 14 days. Pegylated filgrastim stays active in the body for longer so it only needs to be given once with each cycle of chemotherapy.

Possible side effects Back to top

After a G-CSF injection you will have a much higher amount of it in your body than normal. You may have some side effects as a result, even though G-CSF is a natural substance. However, side effects aren't usually severe and get better after G-CSF treatment ends.
People react to drugs in different ways, so it isn't possible to predict who is going to have side effects, or which they will have. We have outlined the most common side effects but haven't included those that are rare and therefore unlikely to affect you. If you notice any effects which aren't listed here, discuss them with your doctor or specialist nurse.
Bone pain You may have some discomfort or a dull ache in the bones of  your pelvis, back, arms or legs. Your doctor can prescribe painkillers if needed.
Red, itchy skin Your skin may become red and itchy around the area in which the injection is given.
Fever and chills Your doctor may prescribe painkillers such as paracetamol to help reduce your temperature and prevent chills.
Fluid retention This may lead to swelling of the ankles or breathlessness|.
Always let your doctor or nurse know about any side effects you have. There are usually ways in which they can be controlled or improved.

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