If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Thursday 12 May 2011

80. NHS Wig Appt 11/5/11

I got my wig yesterday!

It's called 'Long & Lush' and it's styleable, so can be straightened and curled with heat.
I love the coppery brown colour, it's fab.

So, I had my appointment for 10am at St Luke's hospital in Bradford.
I walked into the Horton Wing. I felt really poorly still and as I walked through the corridor I questioned why I had bothered when I felt so rubbish. I thought I'd been ok to drive there and go, but I was really weak. I kept walking and thought to myself, it won't take long and hopefully at the end of the appointment you will have a wig to take home and you can do something about your birds nest hair do.

I was looking for Level O and then Appliances. It was really easy to find, which was lucky! I don't think I would have made it otherwise!
I walked to the reception and pressed the door bell for attention. A really friendly looking lady came to the glass window and slid it open. She smiled a huge genuine smile and asked me to take a seat. I walked through to the waiting room. Lots of chairs, tonnes of kids toys and a flat screen TV showing BBC1's Missing 2011. Was quite depressing! But I watched it anyway. Stood up and tried to find the buttons but they were on top and I couldn't figure out which it would be to change the channel and to get caught out by sending the TV into fuzz? Na. Leave it.
I sat next to all the toys and looked. Thinking how 20 odd years ago they would have all kept me occupied for a little while at least. There weren't any magazines. I had to watch Missing 2011. It's really sad to think so many people go missing and never ever come home. Ever. So strange. Don't like it.

I felt so ill! I was taking deep breaths, but I just had that over whelming weakness that you get when you have flu and all you want to do is lie down. I looked at the chairs, they all had wooden arm rests, I couldn't lie down across them. I stood up and walked about. I was the only person there. So I could look a bit wierd and restless without feeling silly. Posters of Disney characters - made me smile. A Bob the Builder poster. Then I looked at the wallpaper on the wall. It was identical to the one I had on my bedroom wall when I was a kid! Little anaglypta roses, repeated pattern. It was painted a light pinkish colour too, just like mine was. I felt like a poorly kid again!
Laid in bed, pushing my fingers into the anaglypta and squashing the roses flat! And then losing perspective staring at the roses like some cheap magic eye trick. I'd always have to touch the wall, when it felt like the roses were 'coming AT me'....

Ha I thought. And I smiled.

I reached into my bag for the rose quartz crystal and held it and closed my eyes. It gets hot really quickly. Rebecca text me to say that means it's doing it's job. I started to feel more relaxed and less queasy.

The door opened. A middled aged lady walked out with a younger girl behind her. They both looked relieved, like they'd been nervous but they were ok now. I smiled and the middled aged lady looked pleased I'd smiled at her.

They left and I knew I'd be next.

Soon enough another friendly face appeared and the lady called me in. (I can't for the life of me remember your name lovely lady and I am ever so sorry!)
I walked into the room and there was a table with a big wall mirror, a hand mirror and some hats.
I felt uneasy at this point. I hadn't had chance to think through my feelings about this actual bit because I felt so rubbish physically. I smiled, but it felt fake.
The lovely lady brought the wigs through and talked me through how they fit, stay on and what to do. I said to her I won't remember all this! But she reassured me and said I would. And I do. Thank you x
The first one felt so weird on. I had my own hair, what was left of it, tied into a tiny little pony tail and the shorter bits were sticking out the back. I looked like some tramp with it sticking everywhere and I didn't feel remotely attractive.

 The lovely lady made me feel good though and was very complimentary towards me. I felt more comfortable and at ease and I was really impressed with the range of wigs she had. She was telling me about how each wig looked, I tried about 5 on I think, short, longer, dark, light. It was really good to see the different ones. I chose the one I thought I would get the most wear out of. I wanted a long one so that I could do things with it, tie it up, clip it, and style it. This wig was my prescription wig, free of charge! Worth £120. So I could get this one and hopefully buy another one. Then experiment with scarves and stuff.

The lovely lady told me about her job and how it gives her a lot of happiness working with people and helping people. What a great job to do.

I signed my name on a sheet to say I had received my wig and was happy with the consultation. I thanked the lovely lady and hope to go see her at the shop soon! Maybe for some wig shampoo! hehe.. xx thank you so much xx

I left the hospital feeling really hopeful and happy. Now I had a wig! I could start a new with my hair. I could do what I had been waiting to do.
Shave my head!
'Anthonnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, you got the clippers ready?!................'

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