If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Monday 30 May 2011

105. Bank hol weekend

After a fab, fun Friday night with Gaynor at Becky's, I woke up on Saturday morning still giggling to myself at the silliness and how much fun I'd had. It set me up for such a lovely weekend that I have been well enough to enjoy.
My aches in my back and most of my body had just about gone. All that I had was aching arms and shoulders.
I didn't feel weak or out of breath at all and I could move about a lot easier.

Saturday - we had a really nice day at home. It felt good to be able to relax and enjoy the feeling of being well. Katy Mark and Millie popped over to see us for a brew :)
We spent the evening at Raf and Rachel's which was great. We all watched the Champion's League. Enjoyed seeing Man U get beat. Ahh. Nice. Rachel put some yummy food on and we all had a good laugh.

Sunday - I felt stronger again, my arm and shoulder pain was less and my energy levels had increased slightly.
I started the day with a reeeeallly long soak in the bath. Candles, music, book and coffee. Yum. I was in there for about an hour. Normally I can't be in the bath longer than 10 mins - so Anthony was pretty surprised haha..

Later in the day I had the urge to do some sort of stretches/exercise. I have done some yoga at home before and it really helped. I wanted to feel that satisified, happy feeling but at the same time take it easy. I did some simple stretching first to see how I felt and I was ok.
So I moved onto the Wii fit. Hearing the music on there, brought back memories of when I was last on it at the other house and how I was pre cancer then. I quickly ignored looking back and kept strong and focused on the now. I was determind to help myself feel better. I did 20 mins and it was just the right amount. I was proud of myself. The good feelings kicked in and I enjoyed it so much. I want to try it again when I feel ok to do it.

In the evening we had a yummy Sunday roast together and enjoyed each other's company.
I slept well and put it down to the exercise and the good feelings it gave me mentally and physically.

Today has been good too. Had a really lazy morning - the weather was awful - all rainy and yuk. We went for a look round Go Outdoors and bought some camping things :)
I did some more Wii and stretches this afternoon. Hurrayyyyy..

Just gonna chill out now. James and Laura are on their way over soon with fish and chips - delish xxx

All in all a fantastic weekend to say 'nur nur nur nur' to the shocking week before it. Ha!

It really is proving to be a 'rollercoaster', 'no walk in the park' isn't it! x

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