If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Monday 16 May 2011

85. My weekend

Hello :)
Really happy to say I have been feeling really good this weekend! I still have a cough and am snuffly but generally look and feel well. I have had a 'normal' weekend, not governed by illness.
I've been able to clean the house and potter happily.

My cousin Ayo and my Auntie Deb came over for a coffee and we had a lovely catch up. Ayo brought me a lovely wig to wear, one of hers that she sometimes wears when she goes out. It's really nice. Will post some pics later.
Andy came over later in the afternoon and we had more tea and watched a film for a bit. Was great to see him. We had a giggle watching some videos on youtube and at one point I laughed so hard my tummy hurt, felt so good to do that... x

We had one of those lovely chilling, relaxing sunday morning's together. Not a care in the world. Breakfast, each other's company. It was bliss.

We had been invited to a family gathering for Jess' birthday in the evening. I felt more than well enough and we decided to go. It was wonderful to see everyone, Amparo, Rob, Jess, Luke, Melina, Rachel, Raf, Evie, Alexia. We enjoyed some delicious chilli that Amparo had made, which was yum! And then lots of pudding that Luke piled on a plate for me! I felt very blessed to be with such a special family. 

Everyone showed their care and love to me and asked how things were with treatment. I felt very special and loved. Rachel told me she thought I was being so brave about everything, we hugged.
I felt relaxed and even though I had arrived wearing my wig, I was comfortable to take it off after about an hour or so. I felt happier once it was off to be honest. It was hot and itchy, and to say it was a chilly day, it did make me think, erm.. what will it be like to wear a wig when it's hot?! Everyone commented that I looked great without it which did comfort me.
It was lovely to hear about other people's news and chat about general things too. There was a bit of chat about my chemo and how I am feeling, but the beauty of the evening was that everything was normal and just as gorgeous, if not more enjoyable than our regular visits to the Chandler-Garcia household. Thank you so much xxxx love you all to bits!

Helen T rang in the evening and we had a little catch up :)

I'm really not sure what's going to happen with chemo this week, whether or not my white count it going to be high enough to go ahead with the 3rd session or not. Hmm...Blood test on Tues will find out then.

This morning I have got my first aromatherapy session at Bradford Cancer Support Centre! Am excited about it!
Laura has offered to drive me there, how fab. So I can make the most of the session and flop into the car after and remain relaxed..! Bliss. Will let you know more about it soon.

I wish the weather would cheer up a bit. April showers in May! The rain and wind is making it so we can't finish the fencing. We've painted the majority of the panels, but can't do anymore until the weather sorts itself! The rain just washes off the colour of paint and it's a waste. Grr. Oh well, it'll hopefully be nice soon!

Am going to get another coffee... thanks for reading. Have a good day xxxx speak soon

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