If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Sunday 29 May 2011

103. Catch up

This week has been such a blur! Hello! Here I am. xx

I have just had to go back and read this week's entries to see what I have put. I don't have much recollection of anything but pain.

So, Wednesday - Laura came to my rescue and took me to the ward to get checked. There I saw a male doctor, who prescribed me pain relief and said that the pain I was experiencing was typical of the G-CSF side effects and that I could have this continued pain for a few more days still. The planned injections of more G-CSF for May 28/29 would now be cancelled. With the possibility of more in the future depending on white cell count and chemo dates etc.

Which left me feeling frustrated, confused, unsure and at a loss. There is no easy route out of this is there....

I managed to get my first full night's sleep this week on Wed night and Thursday I felt a bit stronger. Still aching and finding it difficult to get comfortable... But... it was really nice to have slept! A relief.

Thursday, Mum came over in the morning and we had coffee and chatted. We later went to a near by garden centre and we just mooched and looked at the plants. It made me feel brighter. Mum was going with Grandma in the afternoon for a CT scan.

Thursday night, slept well again.

I had an appt at the Cancer Support Centre at 2pm - for HeadStrong, to find out/learn new ways to wear head scarves and hats. (I will write about this is a seperate entry as it was so useful, helpful and I want to go into more detail so you can find out about it )
I was still experiencing aching in my arms and back. I felt less ill with it, but I thought I could pop in at the ward to get checked again, before the bank hol weekend, whilst I was in the same area at Cancer Support Centre.
I rang the ward and Diane said I should go in and have a full blood count and possibly get some tramadol in case the pain worsens. But I would need to be seen by a doctor.
I went before my appt for the blood test - over to CSC for my appt and then back over to the ward. 
A different doctor to the one I saw on Wednesday came to see me in the waiting room. Which I was glad about. (I hadn't had a very successful appt with the male doctor and was still angry about it and hurt)

I found it very hard to process all the information the doctor was telling me and with the emotions I was feeling and my physical state. I had to be quite firm with this doctor and explain what had happened on Wed and how I had had the worst week emotionally, physically and mentally. She listened and slowed down with her explanantion and simplified the words.
Basically - my blood count is back to normal now. This suggests that when I was given the G-CSF  my white count was on its way back up and the added injection boosted the count so high which gave me the increased pain and increased side effects.
She gave me some tramadol for the pain, if it returned to that level, but said not to take it otherwise as it can make you throw up.
I left feeling like I had some sort of answer, compared to Wed when I had left feeling dismissed and another number.

My energy felt boosted and I went back to the car and drove home with my music loud and a lot more smiley.

I arrived home and relaxed with Anthony for a bit. He was going out with work mates and I was going to see Gaynor for the evening. We both needed some time out and to relax!

It's a week we both want to forget for sure! x

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