If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Thursday 12 May 2011

81. BUZZ!

So I have my wig. WIGGY!
Hurray! I combed it and tried it on. It felt great. But kept slipping off. My own hair was irritating me more than ever. The two tone colour from my grown out hair was a reminder of how I used to have beautifully coloured glossy thick hair. All that was left was a nasty washed out red colour and an inch or two of roots, my natural colour.
I knew I wanted to do something about it. Anthony and I had planned to buzz it all off when the time was right. I would have done it sooner. But because before I wasn't totally sure I would lose my hair, I couldn't buzz it off until I knew it was going to happen.
But I was, as you know, I was at that stage where hair was all over the house in different random places. In my tea at teatime, even found Ziggy with one of my hairs in his mouth, poking out. Now there's a role reversal.

Anthony came home from work and I showed him the wig.
He smiled. 'Jessica Simpson?' he said. I laughed. Yeah babes, you have Jessica Simpson now.

Laura was with us too, she'd popped in to see me, it'd been ages and I had really missed chatting!
It's scary how being so poorly and being stuck in the house makes me feel so trapped and disconnected. But when I talked to Laura I felt much better and it wasn't all about me me me. I had perspective again and my illness and hair wasn't the only thing going on in this world. We had a lovely time. xx thanks babe

Anthony was outside painting the rest of the fence. We need more paint tomorrow. The old lamp post has been taken down too! At long last. Nasty concrete post gone. So we can pull down the last fence panel from the front now and get rid of the gate. It's going to look goooooood :)

Anyway, back to the hair.

Anthony came in and we chatted about our day. He asked me when we were going to do my hair. I smiled. I felt excited about it but nervous.. To be rid of this nest of my head would be so so good. To be rid of the threat of anymore long hairs falling out all over would make me feel so free.
But I'd have a buzz cut. EEE.

We decided to go for it, get it over with and have a fresh start so I could concentrate on the wigs and something positive, have control and make myself feel good!

So, here goes......


I'm laughing.. as I type this. How CRAZY is this!?

Anthony had me in fits of giggles through this whole experience. He was putting a funny voice on and asking me the hair dresser questions.

You going on holiday this year?
You going out tonight...?

We had such a laugh together. Really lucky and glad it was my man that did this for me.

I can't believe this is MY head! MY HEAD! lol...

TWO TONE HAIR! The darker bits are my roots from the shaving bits. Anthony cut all my hair with scissors first then buzzed it. Fee my hairdresser tipped us, thanks hun xxx

It's me! Liz!


You can tell from this photo that we were just being us, all silly and having a laugh. Me pulling my cross eyes. haha....

So, it's all gone. All done.
I can honestly say, I feel cleansed!
All the stress of hair has gone.

I had a shower and woahhhhhhhh what a weird feeling, the hot water pounding onto my actual skin on my actual head. (Said in the way of Lee Evans: 'ACTUAL pen on this ACTUAL piece of paper')
It felt amazing and I can't wait to have another shower now.
Instead of before when I dreaded it, dreaded doing something that I enjoyed.
Hurraaaaaay. So happy.

After my shower, we needed to eat! So hungry. Fish and chips. Without thinking it through I suggested it.
Anthony was shocked I think. You're ok to go out then, like that, already, you sure?
I was.
I felt fine.
I felt liberated!
Bring it on!

We went to the chippy, I drove, I wanted to feel normal and not ill.
I was driving. With no hair!
We walked into the shop and felt ok about it. I felt a bit nervous when the girl behind the counter stared into my eyes. I felt naked. What was she thinking. This is going to happen. I have cancer and I now have a shaved head! Now I actually look like I might have cancer.

Fish and Chips. Heaven. They were delicious, I was buzzing with happiness! Ziggy was too. He loves it when we have fish and chips.

Our evening was so lovely. Anthony's brother Chris came over and we had a really nice catch up together.
I don't think he expected my buzzed hair when I wipped off the wig. His face was a picture. We exchanged shaved head stories! How nice it feels on the pillow! etc..lol.. x

So that's it. All done. Wig experiment time!
I think I am going to get some fun wigs too.... if anyone knows where I can get some! or donate?! xxx

Messages always welcome, would love to hear your thoughts
keep in touch xxx

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