If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

75. Hmm. Well done Liz!

Had a really nice lie in this morning. Normally my body won't let me and I'm wide awake. So it was lovely to be able to sleep and relax :)

I got out of bed and went downstairs in my favourite cozy robe. Did the usual things, got my breakfast ready and took my tablets. Ziggy was being all cute and staying by my side. Bless.
I looked outside. My plants. How are they doing. Let's have a look. I opened our back door, top and bottom together - we have an old style barn door with a lock which works like a yale lock. Ziggy snuck outside and explored. I walked into the garden. Robe hood up, it was windy! The hollyhocks and sunflowers look gorgeous, so healthy from the rain. I'll take photos later and add them onto my blog I thought. As I looked around at the other plants growing I felt really proud! The rain had really helped.


What was that... I stood up and turned round. Oh. My. Word.
I looked at the back door. It had slammed shut in the wind! Yale style lock. Door shut. Liz locked out!!!!!

I must have looked absolutely hilarious!
I stood with my hands in my pockets, robe hood up, bits of crazy hair poking out of the sides, mouth wide open. What am I going to do! I walked up to the door and pushed on it. Don't be crazy! It's locked. I am locked out! I didn't have my keys on me, my phone was on the sofa.

I imagined myself running to a phone box. No...
I thought about Pam next door, she was at work. Nope.

Call Anthony. I need to call Anthony! I walked down the side of the house and looked across the road. Beryl lives opposite.  A lovely, friendly lady, I think she's about 60 ish. Anthony and Chris have both helped her with her car once before. We always chat and say hello. I walked over to her house. I could see she was in. Phew! I walked up to the gate. I kept thinking how hilarious I must be looking! A crazy lady in a robe with her hood up. Beryl was just coming round the corner as I approached her. I made her jump. Plus I looked pretty frightful. (Laughing so much as I type this.)
Beryl was such a sweetie, she made me a coffee and told me to sit down. She let me use her house phone and I called Anthony's mobile. Luckily I knew the number! I left him a voicemail or two. She had a giggle at me and said it could happen to anyone. I hadn't spoken to her about my cancer. She was shocked when I told her, but listened and told me a bit about her health. She said she would normally be out at this time of day, but was due to go for a scan so had to stay home. Beryl said that she was pleased in a way that I had been locked out, she had someone to talk to. I felt the same which was strange. I felt really daft and a bit embarrassed but lucky. How lovely was Beryl! We chatted for while about families and our lives. It was really nice. I asked her about her garden and she showed me her growing vegetables and even gave me some radishes to try that she had grown.

 I managed to speak to Anthony on the phone. He was pretending to be unimpressed with me, he was laughing. I was giggling. He'd have to come out of work to come and let me in. I could hear his work mates laughing in the background, which made me laugh. I won't live this one down with Craig! Oh dear.. haa haaa.. 

Anthony arrived and Beryl and I went outside to see him. Beryl joked about not being able to get in through our open windows to let me back into the house and Anthony was tutting and smiling, shaking his head. I thanked Beryl and she was all smiley.

Still can't believe it happened! I'm going to be giggling about it for a while now. Cringe!
But bless our lovely neighbour. How sweet. I'll make her a little card later.. x


Anonymous said...

You need to train Ziggy to fetch stuff. You could have sent him in through the cat flap to get your keys! :) Chris x

Liz said...

HAHA! love that idea hun! x