If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Friday 6 May 2011

72. Feeling ok

Feeling a tad weak, but no where near as bad as I was on Day 2 after Chemo 1. Hoping it continues and we can go out for the day tomorrow. Fingers crossed..!

Just enjoying the Nutcracker on Disney's Fantasia and had my lunch, followed by the necessary ice lolly of course!

Does ANYONE else remember Disney Time? They used to broadcast it on bank holday weekends, like Easter?
They would put together snippets of new releases of films and old classics, with some presenting in between. Usually Sarah Greene or Philip Schofield..?

(aw its the cute mushroom bit!! that little one is dead cute!)

Anyway, have tried looking for clips on youtube of Disney Time but haven't done so well..... if you know where I can find some clips or  memories, please, let me know!! Thank you xx

Sounds like the contractors are here taking down the old lamp post outside. We requested to the council to have a new one put up on the border between our house and next door, so that we could make a pull in for 2 cars. The positioning of the old one is right on the middle outside our garden which makes it difficult to make the best of the space we have. It's taken a while, but it looks like things are actually moving now. Hurray.

Also the fence for the back garden arrived early this morning, so we now have some lovely colourful paint for that and hopefully as soon as I feel well enough I can do a bit of painting. We want a nice area at the back to enjoy sitting in. By creating the new fence we'll have a bit more privacy. We want to save up for a bathroom next, but to be honest we are coping fine with everything that's here for now so we're not rushing. We just want to have some space to enjoy having BBQ's and people over in the Summer. Feeling very lucky to be able to have our own house and do what ever we like in our style and taste :)

I think we were meant to be here. We're really settled.
Everything from timing to location. It all sits right. The fact we got moved here, just before I was diagnosed, meant I would go to Bradford Royal Infirmary for my treatment, which is so much easier than Leeds. It's not far to get to and if I park at the back entrance and walk in to the main hospital, ward 7 is at the end of the corridor, practically. All the nurses are fantastic and look after me so well.

Ziggy our cat, is out and about at the moment. He's brilliant! He still comes back in every so often throughout the day to meow hello at me and check things are ok. He'll have a bite to eat, if I have enough energy I will play a game with him and give him some cat nip. He's hooked on the stuff at the moment! He's fab company and has such a great personality. He makes us laugh when we have guests round though. He'll just sit and glare at us all for being there and making noise, chatting and laughing. Then if anyone is sat on HIS sofa, the smaller one, well - you've had it. Major sulk. He's hilarious. We just ignore his little sulks.

Anthony will be home soon, he gets an early finish on Friday's! He's had a very busy week and is still feeling down with his cold. I am dosing up on Vit C and Echinecea (or however you spell it!?)

Speak soon , thank you again for reading.
Comments and emails always welcome!!! xx

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