If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

68. Tonic

Morning all.
Been awake since 5.30am. I got up and put some washing in and boiled the kettle and made a cuppa. Sat on the back door step with Ziggy and watched the birds and listened to the beautiful bird mixture of bird songs... It was really really fresh outside and my hands are tingling as I type, from the cold air going into the warmth - the heating's clicked itself on.   

It's Rebecca's birthday today. I bobbed round to see her after I blogged yesterday. I was in such a mood! I'm glad I made myself go out. My mood shifted as soon as I got driving and put some music on in the car.
I took a little hand made card I'd done and some bluebells from our garden. It was so lovely to see her and the girls - Daisy and Hattie. The girls really cheered me up and made me laugh. The innocence of kids is so wonderful.
Gaynor arrived and we had a yummy coffee. I left feeling so much better. Simon came home as we were leaving, so got to see him briefly too, which was great.
It was such a lovely visit. It was my tonic.
Gaynor and me went out for tea after and had a catch up. An all round fab afternoon/evening!

Feeling ok about today. Not as angry as I was yesterday. Just want it over with now. What does help is knowing when I get there all the nurses are amazing and so friendly. It's like going to see good friends.
I'm taking plenty to do as I sit in the ward. I'll probably end up sleeping through it now I've packed a big bag of stuff!

I'm going to get ready for hospital now. Setting off at 8am, need to get petrol, a sketch pad and some bottled water before I drive there.

Speak soon xxx

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