If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Friday 1 July 2011

148. Chemo 6 done and dusted!

Chemo 6 went really well! Such a relief after the last 2 weeks of feeling ill with migranes and being low, comfort eating and finding anger a stronger emotion than ever.

Jenny had said she'd like to visit me for my chemo - I went to get coffees for us from Costa before she picked me up. I nearly lost them everywhere in the car and was joking about it to her when she came to the house. As I was joking I managed to spill about a third of my Americano all over the front door step! Clutz!

Jenny took me to hospital and stayed with me as long as she could before she had to go do some jobs at home. It was amazing, we talked and talked and laughed lots! I didn't have my mind on the chemo at all. If I found myself looking at the drugs or the canula, Jenny just stroked my hand and got my attention by making conversation and not giving me the chance to think about it. Which worked just wonders and helped me so much. She'd even brought a big bag of magazines for me to look at.

The good feeling lasted all day, I only had an hour on my own before Anthony came to collect me.
I got home and felt fine, bit tired but nothing like I had last time, no sickness feelings or exhaustion. It was like Jenny had showered me with so much friendship love and happiness that it protected me from all the negative feelings, worries and it buffered it all away.
The feeling lasted until today as well - I was strong enough to drive in the sunshine and go for a little retail therapy. I treated myself to a few bits and some things to wear from Laura and James' 80's party tomorrow night. Not going to give anything away - but it's funny. Can't wait to practise the make up later!

Think Craig, Kirsty and Courtney are popping over on Sunday to see us hopefully. Will be great to see them. They have a good understanding of the journey I am going through as they have known a lot of people suffer with cancer, including Craig's Dad who is still battling it. Think of him a lot. It's such a tough time on families.

Tonight I have chemo cheeks, Helen my Macmillan Nurse says thats the steroids.
I had a big chat to her yesterday about my feelings - thankfully the cloud had lifted yesterday - thanks to Jenny! I was able to talk to Helen openly and honestly with strength. She said she could see I had improved psychologically and needed to not be too hard on myself. She said if I have recognised I have been emotionally eating I can do something about it, but not let the treats go altogether. My hormones have played a bit part in this week, dam hormones!
There's a great line about hormones in the film  'Knocked Up' with Katherine Heigl.
Anthony and I always joke about it!! :o)

Anthony's addicted to Angry Birds on his new phone, all I can hear is 'nnnaaaaa hee haaa' !
We had yummy fish and chips for tea.

It's a beautiful evening xx Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Thank you to everyone who sent me messages of support yesterday and everyone who sent texts of love and guidance. You are my amazing support network xxxxxx

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