If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Monday 27 June 2011

143. Monday again..

The weather today has been glorious! So so hot! It was quite muggy but this evening it seems to have cooled down quite a bit and even looks like it might rain which is a shame. I love that Summery feeling of heat when my feet tingle from the warmth and all I want to do is jump in a cold pool. Bliss.
I was due to go to a support group for Lymphoma today and I was really indecisive about going. But after chatting to Anthony and texting Mum and Jenny about it, I decided to go give it a try.

However, I was to find that it just wasn't for me. I didn't click with anyone there and didn't get anything from it. I was the youngest there by about 15 - 20 years, which shouldn't matter, but in some cases I feel age does make a difference and I couldn't help but feel patronised. I know... I sound negative don't I..but I am just being honest about how I felt about it.
 I think it's important to know that things don't always run smoothly with getting support. It hasn't put me off trying other things at all, it's just that one wasn't for me. Not everything will work for everyone. And - at least I have been and tried it, so I know now.

I have a lovely long list of people online who I can turn to for support.

So - how am I doing..
Had no migranes! Feeling really tired, out of breath, I'm clumsier than normal (clumsy when hormonal) and am finding myself getting very frustrated in doing things that need a lot of concentration - or fiddly things. I start to try, but then lose my temper and get flustered. I'm all fingers and thumbs and have a big weak feeling in my arms and hands.
I've been sleeping ok, bonus. I am very uncomfortable in my own skin these past few days. I think it's hormones - but I feel very bloated and larger. I have gained weight, but this added bit just makes me feel so crap. Glad I went out today otherwise I'd have focused on the fat feeling aaaaaaaall day! HA!

I am looking forward to tomorrow, new day! Hurray! x

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