If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Friday 24 June 2011

135. The bad week.

So without further a do, let me try and record this awful week quickly and quietly. It deserves nothing more!

Monday - Migrane at 11am. Bed. Sleep. Cabin fever. Sofa. Sleep. Cabin fever. Too ill to even be uspet.

Tuesday - Migrane 10am, doctor called out. Arrived at 1.30pm. Meds not given, you don't need any. 'but if it happens again, call us.' How convenient for someone house bound. Mum come over to take me out of the house, exhausted, fed up. Felt better for seeing Mum and being somewhere else for a few hours.

Wednesday - Migrane. Called doctors at 11. Meds to be delivered to house by Boots. Van delivering at 1.30pm. I am put to top of list as priority patient on chemo. Van driver didn't turn up for work.. Meds arrive at 5pm via the Boots staff member in a taxi. Took tablet. Sleep. Woozy, heart palps, chest pains. Sleep. Anger outburst, emotional breakdown. Why me. Can't do this anymore. It's gone, why do I have to do the rest. Sick of hearing the same words. Scream. Cry. Punch the sofa. Freak Anthony out. Embarrassed myself. Hug. Cry. Bath. Candles. Cuddles. Chest pains, heart palps. Sleep. Puffy eyes.

Thursday - Puffy eyes, look like I've been boxing. Wish I had, could think of a few people who I could punch the lights out of.
No migrane! Heart palps, try to ignore. Heart palps, chest pains. Enough is enough. Dad come to collect me, take me to hospital. Arrive, flop in waiting room, out of breath. Big chest pains and palps. Out of breath from walking.
Really bad heart palps, chest pains, nurses saying they didn't realise I was so bad. Taken to a bed to lie down. Obs all ok.

The doctor explained that the tablets I had been given to help with migrane can have bad side effects, of heart palps, chest pains and heaviness in the body.
It was agreed not to take these again and just to take Ibu and Para if I get another attack. Not totally happy with this suggestion as they don't really do a lot when in the middle of a migrane attack.
I had a bloodtest whilst I was there. The nurses were all lovely and said that they hadn't had a patient suffer with migranes before on chemo. The doctor said that it isn't necessarily the chemo that is causing the migranes. So it could be stress of the chemo, the cancer, la la laaaaa.

I felt better as I got in the car with Dad, that I had been checked by the doctor. But it dawned on me that from a chemo point of view I had been checked, but from a migrane point of view, if I was to get another I would have to struggle on. I wasn't happy with this. Spoke to Dad about it on the way home and there wasn't a lot he or I could say or do about it. Very frustrating.

In the car on the way home I got another migrane.

Dad dropped me off and went back to work. I got inside and dashed for the pain killers. Anthony pulled up outside shortly after, looking so worried. He'd spoken to work and arranged to come home to take care of me. I felt so relieved to see him, to be with him felt so good. Another afternoon struggling on my own with a migrane filled me with dread.

Luckily, it was a short lived migrane and I managed to relax a little while with Anthony after some lunch. I wanted to get some rest. Curtain closed, sunglasses on, I cuddled up on the sofa with brown blanket and Zig came over and cuddled up at my feet.
I woke up feeling less heavy headed but still struggling with the heart palps and chest pains.

So that's the bad week in a nutshell.

Enjoyed last night with a meat feast pizza and The Apprentice on Sky+


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