If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

260. Not long now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZIP!

Well, it's Saturday evening and tomorrow morning I will be on my way to Xscape to take part in the Zip Slide I have been waiting for!
It seemed like a longggggggg time away when I signed up to it a couple/few (can't remember) months ago. I remember wanting to have something positive to finish chemo with and now, even though I still have a couple sessions to go because some got delayed, I am still very much pleased that I will have tomorrow as a positive experience within this chemotherapy.

Our families and friends are going to be there to support me. I am looking forward to doing it and making everybody proud.

As far as how I am feeling and if I am well enough to take part, I am doing quite well today! I havent had any oramorph since Thursday. I have had leg pain last night and today but no where near as bad to take any strong pain relief. I believe the way I looked after myself from Mon - Thurs has had a massive impact on my body and the rest has helped immensely.

I have had a little cold these past couple of days and this morning my head pain was so bad with it that I felt sick. Anthony got out of bed and made me toast and a drink and brought painkillers. We've got a really great relationship, I am so proud of us. Just the little things like that, we take care of each other.  I did that same for him when he came back from being on site midweek, he had been poorly whilst away and when he came home he looked terrible. We work together so well and have this understanding of each other that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I feel like we have such a strong bond through all this. Anthony told me this morning he's proud of me and thinks I am doing so well and coping well. I sort of scrunched my nose up in question. I'm silly for not realising it, but when you are the one who has to get on with it and do it, there's no other way. I've said before if I hadn't have experienced such a low point in my life before all this I wouldnt be able to recognise going down to that low point, but because I have been there, I know the slipping signs and know I'd never want to be rock bottom again like that. I guess, when I think about it, that's a good thing about all my art and craft and things, they keep my mind busy and creative. I throw myself into that and generate good feeling to squish round me. My garden keeps my mind healthy too. I'd never give up having a garden. Its such a feeling having one.

Went off on one there didn't i.. been a while i guess.

Had a really nice night last night with Jenny, Fiona and Nicola. I really needed a night where I could relax with the girls and just laugh. Bliss x

Well, if you're coming tomorrow ----- See you there! If not, look out for the photos on Facebook and I will post some on here xx

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