There's the tissue again! haha.
Just shows the changes my body has gone through this stage.... the steroids have given me the classic cheeks!
I accept it. It's just such a change.. one that I have to go through to make sure all the cancer is blasted out!!
Every day I spare a thought for you Liz. Wondering if it's a good day or a bad. You are such a courageous lady andi a m leaning so much from reading your blog xxx
Sarah Firth - Cancer Support Bradford & Airedale
OK so my keyborad malfunctioned!
But hey you know what I mean. (((BIG HUGZ)))
It cant take anything away from your pretty pretty face Liz. I remember my face as well. Doesnt last long once you come off all your medication. You look lovely brave lady. Take care.
Claire Gill xxxxx
Thank you Sarah and Claire,,, You are amazing women and your support as I go on this journey is very dear to me and will never EVER be forgotten. x
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