If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

186. Edith Bowman and dislikes

I have got a little Saturday morning thing of listening to Edith Bowman on Radio 1.

But something is really irritating me about her lately...
Just wondering - is there ANYTHING that she doesn't like?

I am passionate about certain things, but there are things I dont' like!
Come on Edith, what don't you like!?
This observation led me to think about myself and what I don't like...

No particular order - just thoughts as they come to mind...and they are random, it's quite funny!

People who don’t smile back when I smile at them
Paper cuts
Lack of manners
Bones in fresh fish
When people say 'I don't mind' instead of saying what they want to do
Crumbly cheese like Wensleydale
Raspberry seeds getting stuck in my teeth
Feta cheese
Creme fraiche
Bratty kids
Bad smells
Dale Winton
Bad drivers
Foisty towels/cleaning cloths
Yappy dogs

Will add more soon no doubt!! x

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