If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Monday, 5 September 2011

236. Back to school feeling

Even though I'm not back to work yet, I can still appreciate that back to school feeling that I always get in September. Slight chill in the air, September sun.

Thinking about that journey to work, getting there and seeing everyone (and some super-tans) catching up about holidays and having a coffee. Then by lunch time it feels like you've been back a week already.
But, I'm still in chemotherapy and have 3 sessions to go yet before I even start recovery. I'm getting really tired of it now. Feels like it's dragging big time.

Last night I started to feel really achy in my legs and had a bath to try and ease it. I was so weak I couldnt get myself out of the bath. Anthony had to help me out. I cried and just thought this is ridiculous.I kept apologising. It's so frustrating.

I am going to watch a film and do some creative stuff this morning. I love being able to make things I don't feel totally hopeless - I can make something and not move at all from being sat down resting my legs and I can feel that I have achieved something.

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