As I mentioned, I was so nervous and couldn't relax at all for this session of chemo. I felt really sick for some reason and still had pain from what felt like a water infection but wasn't. Then I had to have a needle shoved in the hand, which are both pretty sensitive and sore now. They have taken quite a battering from the needles. Diane says that I have done really well, most patients tend to get to this
stage early on and have marks all over their hands, but mine seem pretty unmarked, just tender.
I asked to have a bed to have the chemo today and it was free. So that was a bonus! I was so weak I couldn't hold myself up well. I just flopped and closed my eyes. Diane came over with the drugs, I still had my eyes closed but could hear all the packets being opened and the canula packet tearing open. I tried hard to take deep breaths and relax into it. But feeling as sick as I did, it just couldn't.
Diane couldnt find a vein in my right hand. I was too tender in my left. Eventually she found one. Just under my ring finger. It was pretty high up and I had a horrible feeling it was going to hurt. I tried telling myself it wouldn't. But the needle just felt so big and it pushed right in and stabbed all the way up the vein. I yelped and swore. I jigged my feet and then went quiet. I just remember bursting into tears then. I had taken enough. 3 week of the pain, all the sickness feeling on the last 3 days and then that. Di was great. She understood and was lovely with me.
I calmed down pretty quickly once the drugs had been given and I snoozed through the chemo and people text me and facebooked me in between. Anthony called me which was lovely.
I couldn't face eating as I felt so sick, but I was in between that hunger sickness and pain sickness, where you know you have to eat but can't face it. I managed a small snack which helped.
I drank water but only a bit.
I got some more anti sickness tablets to take as well as the ondansetron. So thats good. Plus some liquid morphine for any bone pain that might occur next week.
2 more to go!!!!!!! TWO!
My name is Liz Ellis. Here you can read all about my experience of Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a form of cancer. I was diagnosed on 30th March 2011. I began writing this blog the day after! I found it a really helpful way to get my feelings out. My chemotherapy finished on 6th October 2011. I have been in remission since Nov 2011. Please share my blog with everyone you can to help create an awareness. Click 'Contact' to get in touch. It would be lovely to hear from you :]
If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.
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