If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

221. Leg pain, whole new pain

This morning I was in absolute agony with leg pain. It is a different pain to the bone pain. It's my nerves and is a pain that comes in waves. I was so out of it this morning. I just sobbed and wailed my head off. I have been so strong all week, I think I just needed to let it out and cry.. Anthony just held me and made me feel so safe and that it would come to an end eventually. I think it's amazing the way the power of a cuddle can soothe you. He got me tablets and pain killers and wheat bags and I eventually calmed down and we watched Aristocats and relaxed. :)

Later on, Mum and Dad came over and helped us with our new blind for the kitchen! Looks fantastic. Photos WILL follow. Just waiting to put a few more things up.
Anthony's Mum and Dad came over in the evening and we watched X Factor on Sky+ and enjoyed burger and chips, ooh was yum. 

My Grandma has sent me loads of embroidery thread, material and lace as well as a magnifying glass for stitching. How sweet. I will have fun planning and making! Got ideas already.

Spent the evening making some felt flowers, they're are great fun and so easy to make but look so effective! :) Have got some on my pin board and going to make some as gifts and as decorations.

My eyes are closing and it's late, but at least I should sleep right through, I hope. Off for a bath to help my legs and to take some more pain killers.
I am on double dose of movicol now - so as not to get a troubled tummy again, fingers crossed... x

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