If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

192. 3 C's

Coffee, cake and Catherine :)
It was a lovely afternoon. We've known of each other for a number of years through our friend Raf, but we haven't properly got to know each other.
It was Catherine who helped me access the 'Look Good Feel Better' session - which has helped me so much. It was a nice opportunity to chat and thank her properly for her help and support.
We sat chatting with a cup of coffee and some gorgeous cakes from Waitrose - delicious.
I found out Catherine has a rabbit!! Since doing the garden at the weekend I have been looking at the space and thinking... oooh room for a rabbit hutch... ! Finding out this made me want one even more! haha..
Catherine brought the cakes, some beautiful flowers and a copy of The Lovely Bones for me to read! Looking forward to starting that. It was a really lovely afternoon xxxx Thank you xxxx

I have bought an Airwick Freshmatic thingy. It just went off and made me totally jump out of my skin.

Smells lovely though.

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