If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

218. Cozy cat cuddles

Had the loveliest sleep last night, it's been one of those where I feel rested, but was in and out of being awake with cuddles.
Zig wanted to get into the airing cupboard last night, so I moved the washing baskets so he could climb into them like a tunnel. He got in and stayed there for a bit. I went to bed and got comfy and woke up to the sound of him jumping up and settling down at my feet. I slept through until about 3am, when I heard the milkman clinking his bottles. He had a funky head torch on. Clever. (We've only recently started getting a milkman on our street.)
I was awake then. Zig turned over and stretched. I got back into bed and put Talksport on. Steve Berry is on at the moment. The phone in was about obesity and other things, but can't remember now! Regular callers phone in and almost have a catch up with the presenter and then they get into a little debate. Sometimes it gets heated and is really entertaining.
I listened for a bit and then dozed off. In and out of dozing, Zig was doing that content purr that has a sort of whinny in it, he was so happy! He kept pushing into my hand and nudging. I really feel like we've got closer this week. He's been so attentive and caring. I stroked his head and ear until he fell into a deep sleep and then I fell asleep again.. It felt so blissful.

1 comment:

Sugar247 said...

He is the most gorgeous kitty I've seen, wish my Rosie could have babies hehe... Love him to bits xx