If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

296. Rude people and BREATHE

What is it with you rude people?
Bad day? Really sorry you're having a bad day. Bored of your job? I am sorry you're bored of your job. That sucks. You must have some total idiots calling you sometimes, it must be exhausting. My name is Liz Ellis. I don't want to be snapped at. I'd like to sort out this query I have with this benefit I am trying to claim. I really don't like this situation I am in and having to claim benefits isn't something I am totally happy about doing. I am having chemotherapy at the moment, so I am a bit fed up. But I can tell you - I certainly won't take it out on you like you are taking your frustrations out on me. I will listen to everything you have to say and I won't talk over you like you will to me. I won't tar you with the same brush as the rude woman I spoke to the other week from Job Centre Plus, because you, are a different person. (?!) Are you?  Oh no, you're not! Because after 10 seconds of speaking to you and you do the above and much more. Shame on you.

Well. I have made a complaint about you. Have a nice day.


Rant over. That was awful.

Went for bloods and all went smoothly, just waiting to see what the counts are like.

I need a strong coffee after that. Off to make one and then to do some art. I await a return phone call from Job Centre Plus to discuss my complaint. That will be interesting.....

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