Hmm. Not impressed. Just lost a whole section I was writing! oh well!
Today's been great!
Walked to the Post Office and back (for my car tax it's been an expensive month for cars!! Just had mine put through it's MOT aswell! Timing!)
Drove to Otley - needed another large canvas for 2 name boards I have started. They didn't have the size I wanted so I bought a bigger one and will nicely ask Anthony to saw it in half for me :D
Went to Argos on the way back to buy some new earphones for my ipod.
Came home - had some lunch.
Cleaned my car out! The first time in abouuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.... *ponders* nearly 12 months!! Oh my yuk. It was awful. I always try and keep up to cleaning my car out and keep it nice. But obviously had no energy to clean it out recently! Anthony's washed the outside for me when he's done his car, but no one's lifted a finger to the inside since we lived at Apperley Bridge this time last year! I remember doing it because it was really cold. We had it parked outside the garage - which was wierdly positioned not next to our house but at the end of the garden facing away from the property, odd, can't explain, but it wasn't convenient. Would never buy a house like that there or live in one again. It was freezing inside, had tiny pokey windows so was pretty dingey and dark in the daytime and was like a maze getting to the back door between the garages and down dark alleys!! It's so different here, huge windows, open street, warm, just a completely different feeling to it. Many people have commented on how calming it feels when they walk into the house. That's really nice to know.
I digress...
So my car is all nice and clean inside now! I don't feel too bad, a bit tired, but not out of breath or uncomfortable. I managed to lift the vacuum cleaner outside and do all that sort of stuff.
Am now sat looking at a pile of ironing. That can wait.
Thinking about baking that I intended on doing a couple of weeks ago.. should do that soon really.
Then there's my art work, have got a few projects that have been started so I would like to try and finish them and crack on with Christmas presents etc.. oooh and I can watch Christmas movies whilst doing them..
My brain is so busy with positivity today. I don't KNOW but it might have something to do with a wonderful CD that Lucy gave me, to do with positive thinking. You listen to it when you go to sleep. I first listened to it in Windermere. I'll try it again tonight with my nice new earphones - the ipod ones had become all battered and the rubber strip that cushions inside the ears had all come off. So they hurt my ears!
Anthony will be home from work shortly. Gonna go stick the kettle on for him :)
Speak soon.
Happy Liz.
xx much love
My name is Liz Ellis. Here you can read all about my experience of Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a form of cancer. I was diagnosed on 30th March 2011. I began writing this blog the day after! I found it a really helpful way to get my feelings out. My chemotherapy finished on 6th October 2011. I have been in remission since Nov 2011. Please share my blog with everyone you can to help create an awareness. Click 'Contact' to get in touch. It would be lovely to hear from you :]
If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.
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