If you want to start at the beginning of my journey click on 'April' and then my first entry '1.From November 2010 until March 30th 2011.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

339. Gingerbread houses

I sold my first few gingerbread houses today to Sarah! Here they are on her lovely tree! :) :)

338. Incredible.

Just incredible.
Sarah Firth (who I met through Bradford Cancer Support) got in touch on to say she had something for me, from Dan - a friend I have made online through my blog. Dan is a writer and we have been in touch for a more than few months now.
He has a website : http://www.danielmcintyre.co.uk/home.php where you can find out more about him and the writing he does. I am sure you will agree with me - Dan is totally inspirational and a true fighter.
I have also found Dan incredibly supportive and he always finds a way to cheer me up. Whether it is intentional or not.
He has shared my blog with many people on Twitter and with one person in particular who I did not expect at all! Remember this post on my blog just the other week??

Saw this in a gift shop in Windermere! I have ebay-d Perry Lancaster and there are loads of gorgeous birds and animals similar to this, including a tiny cute wren!!! I love wrens! well, any birds are beautiful to me
Well.. off I go to put the kettle on now. xx


Sarah came over this afternoon with the gorgeous box, stunning. I was totally overwhelmed and surprised to see these inside... 

The Wrens!
Dan specially had got in touch with Perry Lancaster, (sculptor) as he had seen I admired his work and loved it so much. 
*Dan ordered the pink and brown wrens and when Perry Lancaster had read my blog, he specially put a little black wren in with Dan's order!* 

http://homepage.mac.com/perrylancaster/perrylancaster9/perry_lancaster.html   Dan passed the parcel to Sarah, who dropped it off to me!

I feel so special. There was a card with a personal message from Perry and a beautiful card from Dan with touching words I will cherish forever, all inside the box!! I am very lucky indeed. How beautiful. I can't stop smiling and won't for a long time. The bonus is, I will smile everytime I look at the wrens in my living room. Amazed at the pure generosity and thoughtfulness.

:D - That's me look!

Friday, 25 November 2011

337. Hats off to Eastenders so far..

Just watching Eastenders, it happened to come on the tv. Normally I avoid it as I don't really like many characters in it.. But I'm glad I caught this episode and I might start watching it for a bit from now.
The character of Tanya, has been diagnosed with cervical cancer.

 So far they have managed to capture the essence of how it feels to be diagnosed. The pressures it puts on a relationship and how mixed up things feel about how it will be. Granted, I haven't experienced cervial cancer and I don't wish to claim I know everything, very far from it. But I can relate to some of the character's worries, emotions of treatment.
 I am impressed with the way that they are covering how it feels for a family member to watch a loved one suffer with terminal cancer too. The fact that Tanya has experienced that with her Father and then to be diagnosed herself.
I think it will prove interesting viewing...

336. Remission feels great, things taking time though

It feels so so good to know that the cancer has gone and all the chemo and fighting was worth it.
The end of the chapter means the start of a new one. I feel like I may start a whole new blog all together now, as the start of my life picks up again and I begin another journey as I recover.

I was sent some beautiful flowers from Alison, a close friend of my Mum's. We have been emailing each other and it has been really lovely to hear from her and keep in touch. These flowers were so unusual, almost like orchids. Amazing crafts of beauty!xx

I also got a card from Mum's work friends with lovely messages inside, which meant so much xxx

Our next door neighbours Pam and her daughter Katie, have been there for us since we moved in. Pam has done more than what neighbours do and they've become dear friends to us. Last night Katie brought a card round she had made. Pam couldn't come over as she didn't feel well and didn't want to pass any bugs on. Katie had also made me a bracelet and ring from some really beautiful, unusual beads. The card was so cute, but the message inside... was so precious. I get all goosebumpy just thinking about it. I will mention that Katie is in Year 6 at school.

 How precious? To be able to write those words? Pam must be so so proud. Gorgeous people. Very lucky to have them around. xxxx

Since my great news last week I have been resting but also making a lot of felt creations and keeping my mind and hands busy. It's perfect really as I can be busy but not exerting myself too much.
I have had a few down days where I have been tired and fed up. But to be honest, I haven't had chance to dwell on things, because somewhere, someone will text me or message me on facebook/twitter and remind me of how well I am doing. I think it must be my coping mechanism that just ploughs me through and pushes on - much like going through chemo really. I do sit and talk things through a lot with Anthony and he is fab at listening and helping me see things in perspective. (when I sit alone sometimes, it becomes easy to get things all confuddled and over think. That's why the creative stuff is fab, stick a DVD on and lose myself in the crafty world!!)

I have a long Christmas card list and love the fact I have so many new friends online, some who I hope to meet next year. A few who are experiencing cancer at the moment or have an illness which is life threatening. And some who have read my blog and have got in touch and continued to email.
My talk at the Women with Vision meeting really helped me and was a turning point just before remission -like a release for me. I want to keep in contact with Bradford Cancer Support and help future patients where and when I can.

I am still slowly building up strength. There are many many small little things that I found SO hard to do during chemo that I can now do once again.
I can now blow out tealights in the first attempt! Before I was so so out of breath that I couldn't. I had hardly any strength in my lungs. My being out of breath is still there but no where near as scary and bad as it was. Did I mention about what the consultant said? The PET scan showed that there is inflammation on my lungs from the Bleomycin (drug from the ABVD chemo) which can happen. So I will have to see if this out of breath continues to improve. They may give me a chest x-ray in the next couple of months to check how it is.
I can now carry a basket of washing up and down stairs without struggling.
Now I can clean the kitchen and have the energy to finish it.
I basically have a lot of independence back and it feels amazing. I still have to do small doses of things, or I will pay for it the day after/ in the evening.

Something that I am still struggling with is my face and how the drugs and steroid's effect is still evident. I still have that swollen look on certain days and those chubby cheeks. My eyes are still chemo-dark circled and it's a nasty reminder of what I've been through sometimes. Like a stomach sinking feeling. I can let it really bother me sometimes and I can't hide the fact it does hurt to see that still there. I was talking with Mum though yesterday and it helped. I realised that it wasn't until roughly halfway though my treatment that I started to look like this and it was a gradual thing becoming this way physically, heavier, looking bigger all over.
So it's bound to be as gradual losing the look too. I cannot happen over 7 weeks. It's got to take more time and I am rubbish, I  know, for not realising that! It will happen in stages.

My hair is getting much longer, still in naturally curls into a mohawk! It's so funny!! Even when I try and style it, it still goes back to that look! When I wake up it does it too.

It will prob need a little trim soon. Fiona?? (my hairdresser, who I miss visiting - soooo much) xx

My eyebrows are less fluffy and still taking their time to get back to their normal selfs. Miss them. Ladies, look after your eyebrows and love them, NEVER take them for granted.

Anthony said he thinks my scar on my neck has faded a little bit. Have been trying to keep up with using the Bio Oil, good stuff, may sound silly but up until the last week I just havent had the energy to put it on! My muscles are pretty much nil. I can't emphasis enough the extent to which chemo has battered me!!!

Well. I think that pretty much covers the last week really.

I miss hearing from people. It would be lovely for anyone to get in touch who has read this. Even if you haven't emailed before. xxx sendittolizzie@googlemail.com

Lots of love xx

Sunday, 20 November 2011

335 entries later....and I'm in remission!

The short but amazingly sweet news is that I am in remission! I will be updating my blog with a more detailed entry very soon.
Since Thursday when I got the news from my consultant, I have been very busy enjoying time with family, friends and Anthony :)
So I just wanted to check in and let you know.

I am ever so happy and just looking forward now.

Back soon! x

Thursday, 17 November 2011

334. Post chemo, PET scan and then what?

So ... Many people are asking me:

What happens now Liz?

So I have been looking online because I really don't know all the answers.  I'll see my consultant this afternoon.
Here are some things I have found. Just to clarify, this is research- I will know more today about my circumstances and as time goes on -

If there's one thing I have learnt during this whole process, there's no jumping the gun, there's no special treatment in finding information out. It's one step at a time.

So here's what the internet is telling me..

Life After Lymphoma Treatment - Understanding Remission, Cure and Relapse

From , former About.com Guide
Updated March 15, 2010
About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
My Treatment Is Complete. How Am I?:
Treatment for lymphomas often takes months to complete. At the end of this ordeal you want to know where you stand. Are you cured? Why do some lymph nodes still feel enlarged? Is your disease still there? Can it come back again? Doctors try to explain the situation by using such terms as "remission," "relapse," and "cure." What do they really mean? A hundred questions fill your mind.
The First Follow-up Visit:
The day you receive your last treatment is not the day that the doctor will assess you for response. That is because cancer treatments often take some time to act. Usually, your doctor will call you in for a check-up after 4 to 8 weeks. This gives the therapy some time to complete its action on the cancer. The doctor then does some tests to evaluate you for remission.
Understanding Remission:
Remission means that your lymphoma has been either eliminated or reduced. When the tumor is completely gone, doctors call it "complete remission." When the tumor has been largely reduced but it still remains, it is called a "partial remission." For Hodgkin lymphoma and aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), doctors always aim for a complete remission. For indolent or low-grade NHL, often a partial remission will suffice.
When Is Remission Considered a Cure?:
Even if your disease stands eliminated after treatment is over, it is still not called a cure. Lymphomas have a chance of recurring, and the doctor will often wait for a few years before he is confident that your disease will not return. Only after that can he tell you that you are cured. For Hodgkin and aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas, the disease has the highest chance of returning within a couple of years. Indolent NHL can often return after many years.
Importance of Regular Follow-up Visits:
Regular visits to the doctor are the best way to keep a tab on your disease. The doctor will examine you at each visit. He may also order some tests and scans. Early detection of the return of your disease can often result in better outcomes with subsequent treatments. If no disease is found, you can be reassured about your health.
Disease relapse:
Lymphomas may come back (relapse) after initially being eliminated. This happens only in a minority of people. When it does, it can still be well controlled with subsequent treatment. Relapse can occur in the same areas that were previously involved, or it can occur in new areas of the body. You should report any new swellings or health problems to your oncologist.
Your Worries:
A complete remission after treatment is a very good sign. Most individuals remain free of disease. Thinking of putting off visits in fear that disease relapse will be discovered is understandable, as dealing with this journey can be quite worrisome. But do not delay seeing your doctor. These visits give you a chance to speak to the doctor and clarify your doubts. Even if a relapse occurs, don't panic. There are several effective treatments available to control your disease.

333. All the threes!

What a great week this is! Everything is slowly getting there. 6 weeks post chemo today.

Started with my fab experience at Bradford Cancer Support, then on Tuesday I got my post chemo PET scan out of the way! Then my felt arrived from Ebay too. Yesterday I got my Macmillan grant through the post!

Feeling really happy and good.

I am about to start making Christmas goodies from the felt book that the gorgeous Han Rendall sent me for my recovery time - to keep me entertained!
I went to the library to enlarge/photocopy the patterns for the felt makes. I can't wait. I will add photos.
Yesterday I made a special something for someone too with some new fabric from Sarah. So will add that soon too.

I want to buy a nice new duvet soon, a kingsize one, so it's nice and big. Been looking online last night and got a bit bamboozled! Might venture out to see if I can find anymore bargains.

THE felt! great colours arent they? Thanks to The Felt Fairy!

From Auntie Joan and Uncle Brian, love this card, going to frame it..

Saw this in a gift shop in Windermere! I have ebay-d Perry Lancaster and there are loads of gorgeous birds and animals similar to this, including a tiny cute wren!!! I love wrens! well, any birds are beautiful to me

Well.. off I go to put the kettle on now. xx

332. The amazing Macmillan

This is just one example of the kindness, generosity and help that Macmillan can provide.
 I applied for this grant about 2 weeks ago and yesterday this cheque arrived. So happy. It will be a massive, huge help to me for many things which we are unable to pay for now that we are down to one incoming wage.
I am amazed at how easy it was to apply and how quickly they responded.


If you are fighting cancer, you might be entitled to help too!
Find out more by calling 0808 808 00 00

331. Guest speaking at Cancer Support (B&A)

Hayley, Sarah, Me, Caroline

Remember my zip slide for Bradford & Airedale Cancer Support in September?
 Raising money for it gave me and my family a focus during Chemo and the zip slide itself was such a wondeful experience. As well as the zip, I have been supported by the charity through the alternative therapies they offer.
 Hayley, (pictured above) is the Corporate Fundraiser for the charity asked me if I would speak at the Women with Vision network meeting to share my story and explain how the charity has helped me and made a difference to my journey. I had no doubts and accepted the invitation.

It didn't take me long to write my thoughts, feelings and story down and I knew I wanted to keep it simple and just speak from the heart.  No fancy slides or handouts from me, this was real life and I just felt speaking would be enough. I spent the wednesday afternoon writing in the local library and I really enjoyed being out in the 'real world' instead of in the 4 walls I have been stuck in during my treatment.

The day of the meeting came round so quickly!
I felt nervous before I got to the centre, once I was in there, with a coffee in hand and delicious cranberry and cinnamon scone smiling at me, I felt relaxed and happy to be part of something special. Laid back in a comfy chair! Looked like a real lady of leisure I'm sure of it, haha..

There was a lovely meal to look forward to and a chance to get to know the women at the meeting and find out more about their line of business. Everyone who entered the centre came in with a smile and were so friendly. I had a lovely hand massage too! 
Soon we went in to the meeting room for some delicous food, provided by a stunning outside caterer, (who I'd love to use one day!)

After enjoying the food and having giggles with Sarah and Caroline, I felt even more relaxed and at ease. There were two other ladies presenting to the group and I had opted to go last - wanting to give myself time and also because I was new, to understand the tone of the meeting and get a feel for it.

At this point, I'd like to mention something which I have been meaning to. Something which I feel some people need to understand....
I feel that when you have been having chemo and been stuck in your bubble of illness, hospitals, injections, emotional dives, thinking the same thoughts, talking the same talk for so long and feeling lost...venturing into the real world again is a big thing. Sights, sounds and feelings are more amplified and it's like being released into the wild! I sometimes find myself completely exhausted at just having a conversation and my muscles in my body are learning how to be used again - after so long of learning how to rest - they are being asked by your brain to get up, go and be normal. NOW!
(Real world meaning meeting with friends, going to the supermarket, post office - Basically the things which most of us do every week or day and take for granted that we can do)

Doing those normal, everyday things is a privilege. We are alive.

Ok, back to the speaking at the meeting..

Bearing all this in mind - I asked to do the talk from my seat around the table, the other ladies talking had stood up for theirs, but physically I knew I would struggle to stand, my body was so tired. 6 weeks post chemo. I kept drinking water. My brain was telling me and my feelings to keep going.
 I feel so passionately about the charity and help they provide. This is why I was here.

I felt confident and happy, the words came out easier than I thought they would and the faces all around the table looked back at me as I went right back to a year ago when I found the lump in my neck. As I talked I could feel my emotions taking over. I had to look down and compose myself. Fought back the tears and took a deep breath. It was ok, I could carry on, I didn't let them override. I explained how I had first found the charity after my first PET scan, how I had experienced wonderful therapies and how they had helped me so much in my early stages of my chemo. How I had felt like I mattered, not just another number or another cancer patient.
I really enjoyed myself. I got a nice round of applause and some lovely feedback from the ladies. It felt amazing to have done such a thing. It was cathartic for me. Just like my blog is. So pleased I did it.

What a fab experience and a great memory :)

Thanks Hayley, Sarah, Caroline and all of the staff at Bradford & Airedale Cancer Support! x 

Monday, 14 November 2011

330. Who inspires me?

This amazing man inspires me.
Nick Vujicic

329. Mario (?!)

OK, I'm still chuckling away at this.

Mario - the star of Nintendo games for many years. I have been an avid computer game fan since I was a little girl. My first computer was a Commodore 64, games such as Chuckie Egg, Ghosts 'n' Goblins and Paperboy. As I got older and technology advanced from cassette to floppy disk, I was lucky to experience the Amiga 500. I loved Superfrog (still want to play this game today, right now!) and Steg the slug. I was still interested in gaming when the first Playstation came out and enjoyed Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, Syphon Filter... the list goes on. Needless to say, I didn't have a Nintendo of my own, but I would often play Mario at friend's houses and then just this year I was lucky to get a DS to help pass time for Chemo and I enjoyed playing my own Mario game.

But. Just when I thought I knew most things about gaming and the gaming world.... I was gobsmacked to find something out via a tv ad the other night.

The latest Mario game advert for the 3DS came on the tv.

'Mario, the world's favourite plumber returns.....'

Anthony: Yeah?
Anthony: Yeah?
Anthony: He's always been one!!! *laughing*
Liz: *mouth open wide, confused, shocked* Why did no one tell me this?!
Anthony: The pipes on all the games? You never wondered why he went down pipes?

Then Saturday night the advert came on tv at my Mum and Dad's and we were all sat there.
SHHHH! Watch, watch!
'Mario, the world's favourite plumber returns...'

THERE! mum, dad, did you know Mario was a plumber? Expecting them to go, 'No!'


Now I look at Mario, with this information, I realise, he LOOKS like a plumber.

I google 'I didn't know Mario was a plumber' and it turns out i am not alone! There's a group on Facebook about it!! Ok granted, it only has 55 members!!

Ok. I am stupid!


Sunday, 13 November 2011

328. Recent phone pix


laser eyes! peewwwwwwwwwwww


327. Update on progress...

This week has been a good one! Had a lovely time being out and about on Wed and gaining some independence back. Felt wonderful.
Thursday I went to see my Macmillan nurse and we had a good chat. I have got a referral to see a psychologist and am on the waiting list. My nurse said that if it comes to that time and I don't feel I need it, it doesn't matter. At least things are in place now.  I have been feeling a bit better mentally. I had a blip but I seem to have come through it ok. I am sure there are many blips to come as I venture on this road of recovery.
Friday I spent it with Mum, we had a lovely lunch and had a laugh walking round Sainsbury's. Sounds odd, but the woman on the deli counter joined in so I don't think we were totally insane looking. HAM.
Yesterday was a quiet one, the weather really reflected my mood. Foggy. I didn't do much except sort out a table in the back bedroom so I can use my sewing machine without getting back ache. It's an organised tip in there, but since our combined belongings got shoved in there when we moved, we haven't had chance to ever move it to the loft, not to mention the fact that the loft is sealed and we need a new loft hatch putting in. That'll be one of the first things we do I think when I am earning again!
Anyway, it's been in the back seat this year so a few more months of it won't be a problem.
Saturday night we went to my Mum and Dad's and spent the evening with them, had a lovely tea together and laughed loads at Harry Hill. Watched X Factor and enjoyed it for the first time this series. Not really fussed with it so far, but could be different from now.
Today I woke up feeling like a dead weight. My body had returned to that really horrible tired feeling and I was out of breath again. HAD to take it easy. Hated it. Just flopped on the sofa and snoozed.
Feel better tonight and did a bit of drawing - art and crafts always boost my feelings.
Got little nervous feelings fluttering about me too. I am guest speaking at a women's vision network meeting at Bradford Cancer Support tomorrow evening! Exciting!
Off in the bath now and then going to listen to my positive thinking cd from Lucy. Night night x

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

326. Get me!!! I'm typing in the library!

How cool, I am in the library blogging. I'm actually strong enough to sit here and enjoy the afternoon out of the 4 walls that have sat around me for the last 6 months!


I am blogging and net surfing, just taking a break from jotting down my ideas for a talk I am giving on Monday. It's about my experience of cancer and how Bradford Cancer Support have helped me massively along my journey.
I am a bit nervous, but I am really looking forward to it. I will get to meet lots of new people, 30 ish women will be attending to get more of an understanding about what the charity does.
 I feel passionately about the help I have been given and want to share this so people can understand the impact the charity has had on me and how donating to the charity can make a huge difference to the lives of people suffering with cancer.
Wish me luck for Monday :)

Feeling good today - been to Costa for my first Gingerbread Latte in the run up to Christmas! haha.. Nothing like getting into the festivities nice and early eh?

Physically I feel stronger again this week. Random - but getting in and out of bed now is getting a lot easier. I can bend down a lot easier and reach for things. I am still struggling with my arms and legs a bit but I know they will get better and better.
My hair is growing well still and I have had a lot of compliments, which is a nice boost.
I want to start some stretching and gentle exercise soon, I think next week I will be ready, after my talk on Monday and scan on Tuesday.

Well... I'm going to get some more ideas down now, be back soon :)

Would be great to hear from you xx

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

325. Scan date

I have got confirmation of my PET scan - 15th November at 9am. The consultant expects it be clear, as it was when I was scanned at the halfway point.

All ready for it :)

Monday, 7 November 2011

324. Still here!

For any of you still reading my blog, I am still here and will still be blogging as I recover!
I have had the best week in a long time, feeling gradually stronger each day since our break in the Lake District.
Been for my flu jab this morning, the doctors sent me a letter to go for one as my immune system is low.
It's really cold today. Wearing my wooly scarf for the first time this Winter. My finger tips are freezing as I type!
Going for some reiki at Robert Ogden tomorrow then seeing the Macmillan nurse at BRI on Thursday.

I've got some more sewing done and going to start Christmas things very soon. :)

I feel very happy to be done with Chemo, it's such a surreal feeling being done with it though. It's wierd. Leaving that bit behind and starting a new chapter and learning about recovery and what it is like. A new chapter that will no doubt have ups and downs like any other chapter...

Having to really watch money at the moment, as I am getting my last wage this month. It will be like this until I return to work and start earning again. Its frustrating, but amazing how you can cope when you have to. I am going to make Christmas presents which will be fun and enjoyable!
We have a few things planned like meals with friends etc, but these will need some saving up for! We can't just go out for tea spontaneously, even if its 'cheap', like we'd like to. But these times will come back.  It's just a matter of making sure there's enough for the mortgage and bills. Rock and roll! :)

Going to have some lunch and then might go have a coffee with Jen this aft. Not seen each other for about 3 weeks! Lots of catching up to be done.

A lot more positive feeling x

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

323. What a productive day!

Hmm. Not impressed. Just lost a whole section I was writing! oh well!
Today's been great!

Walked to the Post Office and back (for my car tax it's been an expensive month for cars!! Just had mine put through it's MOT aswell! Timing!)
Drove to Otley - needed another large canvas for 2 name boards I have started. They didn't have the size I wanted so I bought a bigger one and will nicely ask Anthony to saw it in half for me :D
Went to Argos on the way back to buy some new earphones for my ipod.
Came home - had some lunch.
Cleaned my car out! The first time in abouuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.... *ponders* nearly 12 months!! Oh my yuk. It was awful. I always try and keep up to cleaning my car out and keep it nice. But obviously had no energy to clean it out recently! Anthony's washed the outside for me when he's done his car, but no one's lifted a finger to the inside since we lived at Apperley Bridge this time last year! I remember doing it because it was really cold. We had it parked outside the garage - which was wierdly positioned not next to our house but at the end of the garden facing away from the property, odd, can't explain, but it wasn't convenient. Would never buy a house like that there or live in one again. It was freezing inside, had tiny pokey windows so was pretty dingey and dark in the daytime and was like a maze getting to the back door between the garages and down dark alleys!!  It's so different here, huge windows, open street, warm, just a completely different feeling to it. Many people have commented on how calming it feels when they walk into the house. That's really nice to know.
I digress...
So my car is all nice and clean inside now! I don't feel too bad, a bit tired, but not out of breath or uncomfortable. I managed to lift the vacuum cleaner outside and do all that sort of stuff.

Am now sat looking at a pile of ironing. That can wait.
Thinking about baking that I intended on doing a couple of weeks ago.. should do that soon really.
Then there's my art work, have got a few projects that have been started so I would like to try and finish them and crack on with Christmas presents etc.. oooh and I can watch Christmas movies whilst doing them..
My brain is so busy with positivity today. I don't KNOW but it might have something to do with a wonderful CD that Lucy gave me, to do with positive thinking. You listen to it when you go to sleep. I first listened to it in Windermere. I'll try it again tonight with my nice new earphones - the ipod ones had become all battered and the rubber strip that cushions inside the ears had all come off. So they hurt my ears!

Anthony will be home from work shortly. Gonna go stick the kettle on for him :)
Speak soon.
Happy Liz.

xx much love

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

322. Smiley things

Fab song!

This is a Holland Lop! Cute!

Another fave song

321. Feed the Kitty

One of my fave Looney Tunes cartoons!

Here it is!

320. Much better appt = happy liz!

Yesterday I had an appointment with my usual consultant. I couldnt get to see her last week and saw someone else. Which was really unhelpful and upsetting for various reasons to do with how I was treated and made to feel.
This appt yesterday was much better and I left feeling happy and content.
The consultant talked through with me any worries I had and made me feel like she had all the time possible for me. She listened to my breathing, as I had complained of feeling very out of breath. This is common as the Bleomycin can leave the lungs inflammed and cause breathlessness. If it gets worse I need to contact the hospital. I can say that since last week when I mentioned about it, it has improved slightly, which is great.
The consultant said she had spoken to the Macmillan nurse after I had last week. I had requested a referral to see a psychologist for some after care, after everything I have been through and wanted to get the ball rolling now, as there will inevitably be a waiting list. Last week I could feel my emotions slipping and I noted this to the person I saw last week. She told me to wait, as she thought that the final scan results would make me feel better. I disagreed. Yes the result of a clear scan is something to be very happy about of course!! But the upset and uncertainty I have been through, not to mention the turmoil of chemo and how it has changed me in so many ways, has left me feeling in shock and disbelief. It's hard to put into words. All I know is that after an episode of mild depression in the past, I have an awareness of my mental state and when it takes a dip and it has and does.
I am waiting to see the Macmillan nurse again next week to see what they think about some form of after care. I need to re-read that document on recovery again.
It was really good to feel bothered about yesterday compared to the week before when I felt like a pure number, a nuisance and overall hypochondriac with that dismissive tone.
*contented sigh*
I left the hospital smiling and felt lifted. I called Anthony, he was in my car - taking it for the MOT. I was in his car. We arranged for me to meet him at the garage and pick him up. I drove all the way back feeling so happy. I played some brill tunes in the car. As I drove down the hill, Anthony walked out of the drive from the garage where he had dropped the car off. Timing!! Love it when that happens. Its like when you go to the supermarket car park and there's the best parking space there waiting for you with chaos around you but it doesn't involve you.

319. Pics from our hotel in the Lake District

We had a lovely relaxing time in Windermere and enjoyed doing nothing! Came home feeling really floaty and happy. It was just what we both needed. Here are some snaps of our surroundings... x
The view from the french doors of our suite

The fabulous hot tub :)

The 'dancing fountain' - The sound of this until 11pm was so relaxing..

Mr Robin came to get some berries and was very cute!

We had a real fire in our room, was so cozy

The weather was over cast as we left, and it rained all day on the Saturday

You can see the french doors on the left, this is our room from the outside. There's the big bay window and the hot tub underneath.